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working on chapters!

bunnysunbae December 7, 2020 5:45 pm

this person probably didn’t know, and it’s very kind of them to give y’all some new chapters, but our team has been planning to take this project with quality scans and reupload chapters!! (same team as the person below) however, don’t be overly rude to the previous uploaders, scanlating is hard work. we just want to give you a good reading experience :))

    shortie~ December 11, 2020 3:39 pm

    Thank you so much! I really wont complain for the confusing translations by the previous uploaders. It's really tedious to use a translating app (not to mention they used multiple translation apps). Its good enough that i could understand whats going on. But now that i know you guys have been working on this, im even more excited to read more chapters! Thank you so much for the hard work!