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Looking for a yaoi oneshot?

sleeping bunny August 4, 2015 9:27 am

The seme & uke are both public high school students. The uke is actually the student council president & super rich but still goes to public school because he's learning how to deal with people as, in the future he's going to take over his father's company. The seme is in the swimming club & a really good swimmer. At 1st they really don't get along with each other but the uke slowly falls in love with the seme because they start to go home together(not sure about this). I remember at the end there was misunderstanding & the seme leaves school with a girl even though he promised the uke to go with him. They argue & then the seme kinda forces the uke to have sex with him in the student council room. If it helps, the seme had black shorter hair & the uke had blonde hair.

Sorry for the vague long description. But please help me find it if you remember it! Thanks in advance!!
