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Naïve Drifter August 5, 2015 10:07 pm

All I remember is there was a boy(A) who didn't really care for anything and a friend(B) follow him around. The teacher always ask this girl(C) to bring them two back class.... When C found them A told B to jump the fence to let him escape and B said he when die......... A escapes and when he was alone? Some shadow creature attack him, A meet some dude(D) and made a contract and his whole appearance change....when the fight finish A wants to return to normal but D told him his shadow is loss. D said contract didn't finish? Anyways D agrees to become the shadow for A so A could still interact with human world..........later on C is able to see A without his shadow and they're being attack but C picks up a pipe and fights back and tells A to stop running away and make a choice.......B became possess by something and start a fist fight with A, in the end A beats the crap out of B making B back to himself......
It's very long but I tried to remember so please help me find it thank you. Oh D had braided hair and C was a daughter of a kedo master

    ripvanwinklestolemyname August 5, 2015 10:11 pm

    Monochrome factor

    Konata August 5, 2015 10:22 pm

    I thinks it's
    Monochrome factor
    It also has an anime

    Naïve Drifter August 6, 2015 12:04 am

    Thank you!