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Where art thou, manga?

Rei-Rei-Chan!!! August 6, 2015 1:22 pm

So I'm looking for two manga, one yaoi and one shoujo. I would love you forever if you could help...

Yaoi: Two childhood friends have started messing around. They're both virgins and can't decide who will be seme and who will be uke. They finally decide, I think, and are about to do the dirty, when the [will-be] uke's homophobic father walks in and sees them. He says something like, "Is that how you have sex? With your legs open?" He then sends his son to some far-away school, where an old acquaintance is the principal. There, the guy inadvertently loses his penile virginity (Bahahaha.... Couldn't help myself) to some other student (I think his roommate, who, if I remember correctly, is also having an affair with the principal) who takes advantage of him in his sleep or something. So he's like, "Well, f*ck! Now I have to be uke, because all that's left is my anal virginity..." lol I'm cracking myself up while writing this. But they finally do it --at the school, I think... Oh, and the homophobic father gets raped like simultaneously by the principal (who's had feelings for him for-like-ever) and they more or less end up together...
I've been looking for this manga FOREVER. I read it a while back on, before I made an account here. I like this site so much better...

Shoujo: A girl is confessed to by her childhood friend, who's kind of an idiot, if I remember correctly, and they start dating. Then along comes his best friend and he starts to kind of like the girl, but tries to hide it/deny it. There's one scene where they're sitting together and her shirt is kind of open. He accidentally peeks in one panel, and then in the next, his face is turned away and he's rather embarrassed and politely tells the girl to fix her junk. It was hilarious. Oh, and the childhood friend guy looked kind of blonde, and the best friend guy looked like he had black hair.

I've also been looking for this manga FOREVER. I know this description is quite vague and could possibly be applied to like 70% of shoujo manga out there, but if you can help, I would be forever grateful. Just throw ideas at me and I'll root through them.

Holy sh*t, this is the longest comment ever... Well, thanks for reading and/or replying! You guys are awesome! <3

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! August 6, 2015 1:55 pm
    Yaoi: helix

    You are amazing. <3

    helix August 6, 2015 2:23 pm
    You are amazing. <3 Rei-Rei-Chan!!!

    Oh stahp it, you (▰˘◡˘▰)
    This manga was just sooo memorable there's no way I wouldn't remember it ^^

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! August 6, 2015 2:27 pm
    Oh stahp it, you (▰˘◡˘▰)This manga was just sooo memorable there's no way I wouldn't remember it ^^ helix

    Right? It's hilarious! I'm reading it now! I feel so retawded because another manga I was looking for and found on my own was by him/her. It was right under my nose the whole time! Ah, thank-you so much! You are a goddess! <3 ^.^

    helix August 6, 2015 2:37 pm
    Right? It's hilarious! I'm reading it now! I feel so retawded because another manga I was looking for and found on my own was by him/her. It was right under my nose the whole time! Ah, thank-you so much! You ar... Rei-Rei-Chan!!!

    Very entertaining and a bit twisted too :)

    No problem, enjoy (●'◡'●)ノ