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What had happened was...

Rei-Rei-Chan!!! August 7, 2015 7:02 pm

So I was reading Toshishita Kareshi no Renai Kanriguse earlier and saw a comment about the drama CD on Youtube. Soooo, being the smut-loving fujoshi fangirl that I am, I went and looked it up. The accompanying ad was that adorable Friskie's 'Dear Kitten,' narrated by Zefrank. He's the guy who did all those 'True Facts about...[Insert animal and/or Morgan Freeman Here]' videos. So, I proceeded to watch all twenty-five of those videos (for the kazillionth time), and some others, including the 'Sad Cat/Dog Diaries.'
In short, every manga I read now is narrated by Zefrank in my head...
It is both incredibly hilarious and incredibly awkward...
That is all.
