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Not whst i was expecting. I dont want her to forgive Umi. I will be honest, this is the fi...

wow August 8, 2015 4:17 am

Not whst i was expecting. I dont want her to forgive Umi. I will be honest, this is the first manga I have read that made me think if she committed suicide, it would help. I feel bad saying that especially cause' I hate suicide, but Umi is ruining her life and Sora would be heartbroken if he saw her unhappy and Umi needs to understand Sora will hate him for this. And if Beniko did pass away she could be happy with Sora again. Umi can find some rag doll that looks like Beniko to torture. I feel sad and awful but a good story will make you get feels.

    Roansia August 8, 2015 1:12 pm

    Omg! I was about to write the exact same thing. Like thank god that there is someone out there who gets it. Umi needs to understand that torturing her isn't making sora happy.

    Chachi14 August 8, 2015 1:53 pm
    Omg! I was about to write the exact same thing. Like thank god that there is someone out there who gets it. Umi needs to understand that torturing her isn't making sora happy. Roansia

    I understand to .. Honestly speaking if she committed suicided because of what's she's going through cause umi is be a freaking butt whole to her I would not be shocked or pissed off !

    Roansia August 9, 2015 5:32 pm
    I understand to .. Honestly speaking if she committed suicided because of what's she's going through cause umi is be a freaking butt whole to her I would not be shocked or pissed off ! Chachi14

    Same here ( ̄ε( ̄)

    psych0warpblood September 7, 2015 7:37 am

    Or have Umi arrested for rape, stalking, and physical assault or something!!!

    Anonymous September 8, 2015 6:59 pm

    Lol you took the words out of my mouth !! I can't agree more