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hi everyone, I have read quit a lot of yaoi ( and a couple of shojo to lol) an one of the ...

lily_nuit August 9, 2015 4:04 am

hi everyone, I have read quit a lot of yaoi ( and a couple of shojo to lol) an one of the most frequent kind of story is the one where one fall in love like for ever and finally have his unrequited love solve, like ten year later... so here is my question : did it append to you to have such an unrequited love for so long??

personally I can't even remember the name of my crush when I was a teenager hahaha and yet I loved him so much

    Leila August 9, 2015 4:13 am

    I had an unrequited love for six years. xD It was really stupid though since i was so young. (Would i even call it "love" xDD) The guy was my brother's friend and he was two years older than me. He knew i liked him, but he didn't see me in that way. Fun stuff. As of right now, i have no love interests.

    Lucy heartfilia August 9, 2015 4:27 am

    I have a crush for 4 years now, but since it got out that I like the guy I couldn't even talk to him since it was so awkward. So basically I had a crush on him for years even though we never even talked, but since we are going to different schools now it's like idgaf anymore

    Rin August 9, 2015 4:30 am

    Yes! lol it was only for about 2-3 years tho, ten years would kill me! and it was in high school (the dark years) we only spoke twice and I only knew her first name but I really loved her lol she was straight tho and like a lot of guys in yaoi, I really didn't have it in me to go for someone straight (/TДT)/

    Yayayaoiii August 9, 2015 5:59 am

    Had one for 10 years. It felt like he liked me too bec he would hit me up constantly and would always ask how I was doing. But I wasn't sure bec he's straight and I kept telling myself that maybe he was just being friendly. Most of the time, he'd be the first to initiate a conversation. I had gone out with other guys but I've always felt the need to compare them to this guy. I would always have this -something- like, "what if I told him I liked him?" I finally found my courage to confess two years ago and he was all okay with it. He didn't say he liked me though, just that it's okay with him and he would indulge me whenever I flirt with him. But, no, we didn't have sex. :) And then I got fed up with it. I didn't wanna be the stuck in that situation where I like him and he knows it but I wasn't sure if he likes me or if he's willing to be with me in the future. I didn't ask him that though. I just stopped seeing him. I stopped replying to him. And then he stopped too. Thinking back now, I think he wasn't really interested in me and he was just too nice to reject me. But I was glad I confessed bec now I don't have to keep asking myself "what if". I already know the answer. :)

    Pink Lemonade August 9, 2015 7:40 am

    I also think that in those kind of stories, the one who falls in love with the other person usually doesn't have the courage to confess their true feelings or they can't move on. The other person's friendly gestures and words seem quite intimate when you're in love with them so even if you move away there might be feelings left over. I think once you're rejected or realise they are not the person you thought they were or get hurt that's when you might fall out of love and move on. But some people hang onto their feelings and it remains. I think that's why childhood friends get together when they're older sometimes.