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The Idea of "Its just another isekai"

Ticktokbomb December 11, 2020 9:15 am

That thought process really dosent bode too well with me because there are sooo many anime and manga that also repeat the same process of "its another shonen" or "its another harem".....Its hard for people to make something truly unique and lovable for readers and watchers alike and this manga does a good job of trying to explore every aspect it has to offer while making it enjoyable like when the mc begins "examining" the other species he tends to actually be serious and giving detailed descriptions whilst making it interesting and fun for the readers.......I have read a lot of isekai(check out my lists) and yes a lot of them tend do the same reskin and repaste bullshit but this manga and others like this put in the effort for the readers so that they can enjoy everything they describe make or i guess show.Dont always think that isekai or well any other genre of manga/anime are always the same until you give it a shot and see for yourself.I implore you to give this manga a chance and well if you disagree with anything i said fight me
