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I feel sorry for jeanette

pay1370 December 12, 2020 2:13 am

Lots of people hating on jeanette but she is litterally the prime example of a child being groomed. Everyone compares her to athy but everyone also forgets that athy is not a child (which is funny when magic boy keeps pointing it out lol). Jeannette is obviously going to follow along what the adults around her tell her because that is just how children act, they don't have any agency. Meanwhile jeannette has experienced adult life and thus does not have those barriers holdong her back, allowing her to be more proactive with her problems. If athy were a real child that would've lost her father figure she would be trust into a state of anxiety as she suddenly has to shoulder all the responsibilities of an adult. Which is clearlt not what we see happening. I honestly just feel so sorry for jeanette. Nobody around her is teaching her to make her own choices and just leaves her all on her own. :(

    Shiddon December 12, 2020 2:21 am

    I agree with you. Jeanette does not even know that she is a part of something, she is just going with the flow of what the people around her is telling her to do. She is innocent in all of this, she doesn't deserve all the hate.

    bah-hah ❤ December 12, 2020 2:56 am

    still hate her tho cause that's her role in the story and she's doing a good job at it

    LuarPrincesa December 12, 2020 3:18 am

    And that's the plan of Empror brother. We clearly see she is still a child and he'll be able to use her in any way. She always had to be child and act like a child. I pity her

    pay1370 December 12, 2020 5:47 am

    Yep, i also don't see why they can't both get a happy ending? Jeanette's happiness doesnt take away any of athy's. In the original story athy had to suffer for jeanette to keep her happiness, and now the roles are reversed and jeanette is the one to suffer. We love athy because we felt pity for her in the story, buth now that jeanette is suffering we do not allow her the same feelings? I really hope they end up changing the course of the story altogether and give both children their happiness!

    Purritto December 12, 2020 8:05 am
    Yep, i also don't see why they can't both get a happy ending? Jeanette's happiness doesnt take away any of athy's. In the original story athy had to suffer for jeanette to keep her happiness, and now the roles ... pay1370

    Suffering where??
    I get she's lonely but that's it!
    I get that she's being controlled but she isn't hurt in anyway, she's stupidly naive and ignorant. And if Anastacius ever sat on the throne she'd be crowned princess just as the orignal story went. Unlike Athy she died never really get to be happy while Jeanette gets to be happy because she's ignorant and doesn't know anything. Look how fast she moved on from Athy dying because of her. You're comparing two different things.

    But yeah, I want Jeanette to get a happy ending with his REAL father since I'm sure he's being controlled and is actually longing for a family too. I really want to see Jeanette and Anatacius' relationship bloom like Claude and Athy's!