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I feel like I was reading my own life story except this is a yaoi tho.

Kírà December 12, 2020 8:57 pm

At first I just read this manhwa out of being a yaoi story fan, but after reading this, I didn't expect I could relate so much to the MC.. the way of his thoughts when he get mad but didn't want to express it coz he thinks its bad to show your bad side to others, the way he keeps trying his best to pretend everything's gonna be ok if you keep on being to their good sides.. to impress them just so you won't feel like you don't belong to everything, just so you wont feel like you're a strange one coz you know if they knew your real nature, no one will bother themselves to accept you. Coz it wont worth of they're damn freakin' attention. It feels so..suffocating.. that you'd come to hate yourself for acting SO PATHETIC that you unconciously wanna hurt yourself like you want to disappear.

Many times when I feel so bad, mad.. pressured. I would choke myself until I feel like I was gonna die, then I'll feel all better afterwards and I can face the next day like nothing's happened.

Well, sometimes, quiet people have ALOT running on their heads, others would think they're just bunch of hopeless loner, nerd, sociopathic creeps etc. But there are people who just prefer quiet and peaceful places not because they hate human company, that's just happened to be how they are.. its easy to judge how we see other people than to make an effort to learn them first. That's just human nature. But I'm glad, I learn to love myself more than waste my life on acting meaninglessly.

After all, we don't live for other's happiness, you live for the people you care about. And acting like doing good things to others and expecting it would result good things to you im return is actually not a good habit coz you'll end up being greedy in the end. And we are unware of our own negative traits. So I just think its bad, but it depends on others.

Learn to do good things coz you want to, not coz you have to impress others.

And being contented for everything you have would be such a great treasure of all and we can only live once so might as well enjoy it at our own pace so long as we won't do bad things then its all good.

Anyway, I want to thank the author of this brilliant manhwa for giving us the privilege to read one of his wonderful works.. its so meaningful for me..

I have my own different approach for reading yaoi stories, coz most of them are more emotional and sentimental than shoujo mangas. That's why, I really appreciate it.
