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wrong in many ways

ivy December 12, 2020 12:36 pm

in my opinion its wrong in many ways. when you lose so much weight in a short time, I think you skin would be a bit... flabby? and if she lose weight with sword fighting- where are her muscles? she wouldnt be so skinny (a sword has more weight then an epee or rapier). just beeing skinny doesnt mean you're automatically a beauty. dunno humans are diffrent. we should never confuse a bit overweight with a serious illness of (or with) high obesity

    Alex December 12, 2020 7:44 pm

    I mean this is just fiction so we shouldn’t take everything seriously and it’s a Korean story, we all know about the beauty standards there

    Fujotenn December 12, 2020 7:53 pm

    I get you but this is fiction so you shouldn’t really think very realistically that much

    Morohtar December 14, 2020 5:29 am

    Let's just say: If the story starts with reincarnation/transmigration and involves magic in general, we better not expect realism at any point. X'D

    But yeah, loosing that much weight in just 3 months and not having tons of flabby skin hang off of you if never gonna happen irl. I hope no little girls read this and think this is how it'll go...