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LetMiB December 12, 2020 2:26 pm



A ”happy” ending but I cant accept she fell for him a second time after treating her like a whore

    zapphire December 12, 2020 4:06 pm

    Even his way of courting her was scummy. I know I have a mistress but I want to sleep with you as well. He even harassed and molested her on several occassions when she clearly said no. But I guess to him it was a green signal for feeling her up or kissing her by force. Idk, the ml just looked like a rich playboy sex offender to me. Did not see any redeemable quality in him whatsoever.

    Comadrin May 22, 2021 5:12 am
    Even his way of courting her was scummy. I know I have a mistress but I want to sleep with you as well. He even harassed and molested her on several occassions when she clearly said no. But I guess to him it wa... zapphire

    The only thing that could be redeemable about him would be getting his genitalia caught in a wheat threshing machine. wouldn’t exactly redeem him, but I could feel that he had a purpose in life, mainly to entertain me with his deserved agony.