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Can someone please explan this manga I have no idea what just happen (● ̄(エ) ̄●)...

Strawberrymochi101 August 13, 2015 4:37 am

Can someone please explan this manga I have no idea what just happen
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    ... April 18, 2016 6:56 am


    Here's the basic summary:

    So what happen is that there is a prophecy that people who have "golden hands" or having the power to create life will die prematurely as a balance of power.

    The main girl unfortunately doesn't know that but the main guy does. They actually met each other as young children. Guy is wowed by her power and does genuinely want her to be happy.

    Unfortunately, either her parents or guardian abuse her to the point where she kills them with her power. Guy sees it all and tries to help her.

    During her freak out moment and him trying to calm her down, she transfers half of her powers to him. From there, he vows to make her happy again by doing what she wishes, hence the house and it full of dolls.

    When she is actually in the house, he does all these things to try to remember why she made those dolls in the first place and also to save her life.

    After making her face trauma and about the power of her hands, she makes her final wish of everyone being happy. Another doll basically takes her place as sacrifice and because of that wish, some dolls became reborn into the real life and her power is basically gone. But in return, she doesn't have to deal with dying at an early age another.

    And that's basically what I got from it. I hope that make sense.

    ( ̄∇ ̄")