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A clown theory

A Clown December 14, 2020 5:46 am

Well like since there isn’t much info given to us yet, I’d still like to propose a theory. So let’s get the facts straight: Blonde hair is rich and an alpha, black hair is a beta in common society. There’s two possibilities here, either this is a school only for omegas and alphas, but he got in through scholarship, or this is a school for people of higher standard, even if they are beta. Now, let’s set our point of view as if they were in the second possibility, a place where every second gender could enroll; meaning there are other alphas. If this were to be correct, why would blonde hair pick this beta specifically? The manga states that he just likes the smell of betas, but not one specific beta. Could it be he picked black hair because of his vulnerability because he lacks money? I don’t think so. Maybe in reality blonde hair has had or has feeling for black hair and uses this as an excuse? We understand that his family is rich, so it would be easy for them to get him a more complacent and easier to deal with beta, wouldn’t it? I believe that he has or had feelings for black hair and is using the sniffing thing as an excuse.

(sorry if my English is bad English isn’t my first language)
