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This story sucks

bookworm August 15, 2015 2:55 am

Am I the only one that thought this was terrible? Like honestly, Hannah was kind of a weak character, and her "husband" did NOT deserve her. He was only interested in her after she had her makeover, and even then he was really horrible and didn't trust her. Like WTF? IMO, this story sucked, period.

    Anonymous October 10, 2015 12:04 pm

    Your more annoying and weak to yourself u should go FUCK off

    Akane December 15, 2015 2:47 am
    Your more annoying and weak to yourself u should go FUCK off @Anonymous

    Thank you for saying that to comment because I was about to do it my self (exploding) so thankyou (●'◡'●)ノ for saying that

    bookworm December 18, 2015 10:18 am

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Also, you guys should go back to grade 3 and learn how to spell

    bookworm December 18, 2015 10:29 am
    Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Also, you guys should go back to grade 3 and learn how to spell bookworm

    sorry, that last part was a little rude. However, it's true that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and people have the right of free speech on the internet, so I should be able to express it.

    Damn August 24, 2016 2:58 pm
    sorry, that last part was a little rude. However, it's true that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and people have the right of free speech on the internet, so I should be able to express it. bookworm

    you're right. you are able to express you opinions but expect to have some offensive comments coming towards you if it doesn't favor them.

    alice September 8, 2016 9:56 pm

    I agree with you kind of. this story has major issues.
    main girl - nearly gets raped leads to total makeover and showing more skin, but no self confidence
    main guy - loses wife, gets contract wife as replacement, pays her no attention, too many rules, does not really believe her.
    mother - daughter issues, control freak, unable to let go, lower class = no class
    friends' wives - bitching, bickering, gossiping, no more adventurous than main girl, bored to death housewives.

    what is wrong with these superficial, and fleshless ppl, so impressionless and kind of stereotypical. I wonder if it is because the manga reduced it down to its essence or if the book is the same?!

    only ok characters are housekeeper, children.

    questions unanswered: what is with tom? where did the nanny come into this story? she is just suddenly kind of there.

    Amnesia's Heroine April 30, 2017 9:10 am

    Agreed I have been reading a lot of stories like this and I am fine with reading them. I mostly never have a complaint, but this one was just not good its terrible

    iamb January 27, 2018 4:45 am

    I agree... he took notice of her only when she dolled herself up.. not flattering.. when she is almost raped he's like ' you're ok'. haha..He's known her for a while and still thinks she would abandon the children like that? He constantly accused her of that to.. And she, like all mangas like this, thinks she is inadequate and tries to please constantly.. argh.. .

    Comadrin July 5, 2020 4:46 am

    No, you're definitely not the only one. "This Story Sucks." Yes, unless you think that Bill Cosby is the perfect choice for "America's Dad." The Male Lead marries her because she she is wonderful with his motherless children. He seems to be falling in love with her because
    a. She's adorable and his children love her, or
    b. She has a vagina
    He then comes to the assumption that she is the female anti-Christ because of unsupported and obvious lies from his even more obviously psychotic former mother-in-law. He only comes to his (I suppose) senses when she is run over saving his kid from a car.

    What SHOULD then happen:
    Father-in-Law, who seems to be the only sane person in the story, commits SIL and his filthy-minded wife to an institution for the criminally stupid and spends the rest of his life and resources ensuring that his grandchildren and their loving step-mother live the healthy and loving life they deserve.