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"Oh, what a secret that must be kept inside, locked up and away from the people in a dunge...

Nana August 16, 2015 11:29 pm

"Oh, what a secret that must be kept inside, locked up and away from the people in a dungeon". But, seriously, how can that be reason enough!? The school wouldn't care, maybe the parents would care but if your love interest knew, would it be so bad!? He seems very stupid to let that hinder him from a happy life with either his friend or soeone else.

    Nana August 16, 2015 11:29 pm


    Anonymous September 1, 2015 5:02 pm

    well in our yaoi world we dont care but imagine it in rl. he is scared that the other guy find out he likes him in a romantic way. how should he know the other feels the same? u cant read the mind of another person. if non of these both find the courage to say it loud the bitch can have her way.