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I don’t know why.... but I feel like Ivy might’ve done that to the mirror herself. You...

Scarlet titanium December 15, 2020 5:37 am

I don’t know why.... but I feel like Ivy might’ve done that to the mirror herself. You can’t deny she’s changed and she might’ve realized what she caused will backfire against her so she did this as a countermeasure to put the blame on Ludimilla. I mean either way I hope Ludmilla gets the blame and if Ivy did do this lowkey proud of her for learning how to handle things for herself but I’m also worried if this will hurt our main girls since she might get used by the red hair coach.

    Shotomatsu January 19, 2021 5:59 am

    I don't think so, yes she hated her, but not to the extent that she'll ruin her favorite stuff toy and having asthma attack(?) or mental breakdown(?) she can't pretend that much. Though I feel like the short black haired girl did it. Either way we'll see who it is later