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Too much slut-shaming. Not enough middle-aged father should fucking know better shaming. S...

Rockit Science August 17, 2015 10:13 pm

Too much slut-shaming. Not enough middle-aged father should fucking know better shaming. She's not much older than a kid. What's his excuse?

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 17, 2015 11:11 pm

    Yeah, the core audience of this manga-reading site is about the same age as her, and I reckon more than a few of them have crushed inappropriately on men who are too old, powerful, accomplished, wealthy, acclaimed and, in every sense, unequal to them—as though people can control who they fall for. I'll bet some of them have even said and done things that were as foolish, impulsive and mean as she did out of the sheer hopelessness and bitter, bitter loss of their situations. You think, since the father's the guy with all the power in this situation, there would be a bit more ... self-recognition? "There, but for the grace of ..." I guess not. I don't like what she did, but what the hell was that father thinking and doing?

    fujoshineko August 18, 2015 12:06 am

    I think the main reason the girl is getting more hate than the dad us because she caused Shirotani's trauma, and not really for being a slut?

    Akari August 18, 2015 12:22 am
    I think the main reason the girl is getting more hate than the dad us because she caused Shirotani's trauma, and not really for being a slut? fujoshineko


    I Thot You Was a Toad August 18, 2015 12:50 am
    I think the main reason the girl is getting more hate than the dad us because she caused Shirotani's trauma, and not really for being a slut? fujoshineko

    And Shirotani's father bears no responsibility for his trauma, is that it?
    I call BS for double standards. If the father was a single mother, instead, and let a physically abusive child molester into the family circle because she was so anxious to find a father for her boy, then there would be a huge uproar because she ignored the signs and misinterpreted the things child-Shirotani was trying to tell her, just like his father did. We let men off the hook too easily for this sort of stuff, and get too anxious to "murder the bitch" when it's a female transgressive.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 18, 2015 12:57 am
    And Shirotani's father bears no responsibility for his trauma, is that it?I call BS for double standards. If the father was a single mother, instead, and let a physically abusive child molester into the family ... I Thot You Was a Toad

    And not to belabour the point, but fujoshis ... yaoi lovers ... are generally considered female transgressives across most of the planet, so I do like to temper the eagerness to jump on a hate bandwagon, even if the transgressions we are talking about are quite different in nature. I mean, boo the villainess by all means, but lets leave the pitchforks and torches at home.

    tokidoki August 18, 2015 1:47 am
    And Shirotani's father bears no responsibility for his trauma, is that it?I call BS for double standards. If the father was a single mother, instead, and let a physically abusive child molester into the family ... I Thot You Was a Toad

    Finally - a comment I agree with - both the girl and the father are pretty despicable - but the father should not be taking advantage of his position of power (over students) to have sex with them. (nor should he be looking at his student as a possible spouse) This girl is delusional and nasty because she she knew Shirotani was hiding where he was so I say the blame rests 50/50. They are both seriously f**d up people. Tired of seeing everyone only blaming the girl.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 18, 2015 3:08 am
    Finally - a comment I agree with - both the girl and the father are pretty despicable - but the father should not be taking advantage of his position of power (over students) to have sex with them. (nor should ... tokidoki

    Did you catch the part where Shirotani Senior tells his son that she's as alone in the world as he is? IE., she's as messed up with terror as Shirotani Junior became. For Senior, it's a chance to pawn off his adult responsibilities and get a little respite, along with a little something else on the side. For her, it's her entire future and security. No wonder she saw Shirotani Junior as a threat. Senior should've been guiding her through her studies and ensuring she was fit to support herself financially and autonomously for the rest of her life, not exploiting her vulnerabilities. Jeez, people!

    tokidoki August 18, 2015 3:37 am
    Did you catch the part where Shirotani Senior tells his son that she's as alone in the world as he is? IE., she's as messed up with terror as Shirotani Junior became. For Senior, it's a chance to pawn off his a... I Thot You Was a Toad

    Oh, yeah, she is messed up too. They are both to blame here, though perhaps more responsibility falls on the father. That is why I said he is taking advantage of his position of power. (I know of a teacher who got involved with one of his 15 yr old students - he was once a friend of mine, but I lost all respect for him after he started having an affair with her)

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 18, 2015 4:33 am

    It's disturbing when a grown man is so warped by his desires to regress into boyhood by casting off adult cares that it blinds him to the more critical requirements for him to be a good husband (to someone who is his equal), a good citizen and a good father—not only to his own child. The belief that sex with young women is going to restore some sort of Golden Age is a helluva delusion, especially when (as in this story) they happily sacrifice real love for it.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 18, 2015 4:37 am
    Oh, yeah, she is messed up too. They are both to blame here, though perhaps more responsibility falls on the father. That is why I said he is taking advantage of his position of power. (I know of a teacher who ... tokidoki

    Sorry, I responded to this, and it showed up as a general comment, not a reply.

    Anonymous August 18, 2015 8:11 am
    And Shirotani's father bears no responsibility for his trauma, is that it?I call BS for double standards. If the father was a single mother, instead, and let a physically abusive child molester into the family ... I Thot You Was a Toad

    True, but it is still is her fault 70% at least, the action she took, that caused our main uke to suffer from ocds (and not the mild one at that) that hinders him from trusting/loving our seme *crying buckets*

    Ps: on the side note i wrote 'our' because they belong to every fujoshi/fudanshi watching this bl that is made by our author-sama of course *U*

    fujoshineko August 18, 2015 11:49 am
    And Shirotani's father bears no responsibility for his trauma, is that it?I call BS for double standards. If the father was a single mother, instead, and let a physically abusive child molester into the family ... I Thot You Was a Toad

    I'm not one to tolerate double standards either, but the dad didn't know his son was hiding in the closet. It would be totally different if, say, he knew he was there and still made out with his student. Then, I would totally say they should both be blamed. I'm hating on the girl because she obviously planned the whole thing. I only stated that she's getting most of the hate because of this reason; not once did I say the dad shouldn't get hated on.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 18, 2015 4:33 pm
    True, but it is still is her fault 70% at least, the action she took, that caused our main uke to suffer from ocds (and not the mild one at that) that hinders him from trusting/loving our seme *crying buckets*P... @Anonymous

    I kind of feel like I am defending the indefensible when I point out the girl's youth, insecurity and the way Shirotani Senior is taking advantage of her. She's also full of malice, so, you know, to hell with her.

    BUT I don't like it when grown men get the all-clear for shitty behaviour because "they didn't mean anything by it." Of course they didn't mean anything by it; they were being completely self-absorbed and selfish. They never mean anything by anything, which makes them a complete waste of oxygen.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 18, 2015 4:43 pm
    I'm not one to tolerate double standards either, but the dad didn't know his son was hiding in the closet. It would be totally different if, say, he knew he was there and still made out with his student. Then, ... fujoshineko

    No, the Dad didn't know where his son was. He didn't bother to look for him, either, when Miss Wet Panties showed up for her lap-dance, when this babysitter's attention stopped being focused on what his kid was doing. He didn't bother to check and see what the little guy was doing to make sure that he was okay, that their sex antics were in true privacy, that nothing could harm him.

    That's the point. Lousy, lousy father, creepy professional and shitty excuse for a man. Do you think it really matters all that much that this selfish and self-absorbed man's heart isn't full of malice, like his abusive babysitter/piece of tail? It doesn't matter what your heart is full of if you haven't got one.

    fujoshineko August 19, 2015 1:38 am
    No, the Dad didn't know where his son was. He didn't bother to look for him, either, when Miss Wet Panties showed up for her lap-dance, when this babysitter's attention stopped being focused on what his kid was... I Thot You Was a Toad

    I feel like I missed reading some of the parts you referenced. Was she his baby sitter? Or did she just hang out there often? I would have to reread, probably. Anyway, never mind those questions. To end this long-drawn-out conversation, I just want to say that I, in no way, tolerate the father's actions, i.e. engaging in romantic/sexual relationship with his underage student--a theme often romanticized in anime and manga, but completely taboo (and for good reason) in reality.

    And for the record, I wasn't defending the dad. All I commented on was the fact that the girl is getting more flak because she directly caused the trauma. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭