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to those who think wookyung groomed doona into becoming a rapist and overall shitty person...

klsy1218 December 15, 2020 10:22 pm

to those who think wookyung groomed doona into becoming a rapist and overall shitty person, i definitely think he encouraged her to do bad things, but the fault remains on doona. if she knew right and wrong before wookyung, (and it seems she was a decent person before) then she just chose to ignore that after meeting him. she's the one who continually made bad choices. to say that wookyung is the sole reason why doona is a shitty person takes all of the responsibility away from doona and that's just pure bs. they are both responsible for their own actions, separate from whatever they talked about doing to their potential partners. they are both shitty people in their own right and all they did was encourage each other to stay shitty and not improve and grow as people.

thanks for coming to my ted talk.
