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I read this out of boredom but it’s actually helped me a lot.. I feel like I’m extreme...

Kuroko.http December 16, 2020 1:01 am

I read this out of boredom but it’s actually helped me a lot.. I feel like I’m extremely fat like I’ll look at myself in the mirror and just think wow you’re absolutely disgusting which probably isn’t normal but my friends will tell me I’m not fat and there are times when I feel good but all together I just feel exactly how she felt): if I lose weight I’ll be pretty if I lose weight guys will treat me better if I lose weight then maybe I’ll look in the mirror and feel good about myself but maybe I’m going about this all wrong and I just need to love who I am as a person and not just by how much I weigh

    orangevoldemort December 16, 2020 10:59 pm

    i hope you reach a point where u truly love yourself, disorded habits suck- this coming from someone w an ED