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Celestial scans is Toxic scans, and they blackmail authors

MaskedChild December 16, 2020 10:01 am

Toxic scans was a scan group on here that was consistently blackmailing, bashing, and stealing works from authors. The Author of Dear Door being one of their victims. Toxic scans was removed, but made another account under the name of Celestial scans, and is continuing the behavior.

Among the list of things was racism towards African Americans, referring to them as raccoons or the n word, transphobia, homophobia, as well as making fun of eating disorders and threatening the authors whose work they stole. Please, do not support them. They have not changed anything aside from there name, and to top it all off, they use google to translate, which is why many of the chapers they do don't make a lick of sense.

Please report them, they do not deserve another chance to do this to more authors, and this could get mangago taken down.

    KLeeLee11 December 16, 2020 11:21 am

    Are they the ones doing these latest (awful) translations? Who do we report them to?