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If you are searching for a yaoi story with SO MUCH DRAMA like a shoujo story then this is ...

Madao August 20, 2015 4:14 am

If you are searching for a yaoi story with SO MUCH DRAMA like a shoujo story then this is the manga for you. You know those shoujo with all these double and triple love story going back and forth between two or three couples...well, this yaoi manga is just like that. In a way, I was the only one who was glad that Shinkawa is with Takaaki.

    can do it November 6, 2015 12:02 pm

    well me too, i like this pairing the most, but poor kenzeki, i like him so much

    Rose January 9, 2016 7:39 pm

    i too felt that they were a good pair, but the way that kenzeki was treted made my heart hurt. in my might this manga its not over because Kenzeki stil didnt get his happy ending ╥﹏╥