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I don't give a fuck about flowers, if my man would have to apologize in a big way because ...

Nana August 20, 2015 12:48 pm

I don't give a fuck about flowers, if my man would have to apologize in a big way because he said something that really hurt my feelings, he would have to say what he did wrong, explain why he said what he said and then apologize. I just don't get it why you forgive the other as fast as you buy him/her/other flowers and apologize. You put in the feelings in the flowers or something? Nah, I won't come running back to someone just because he gave me flowers.

    firetulip January 20, 2016 1:31 am

    soooo true

    kiady January 23, 2017 7:10 pm

    well nobody is perfect and to some people it is easier to communicate with actions rather than words. True it might not convey the message to the other person, but that happens with words too. People talk yet still don't understand one another, that's why the word miscommunication exists as well as the expression "you may cross paths but never see each other". Communication is tricky