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The men in her life suck!

Comadrin December 16, 2020 10:57 pm

Her father manipulates her to go on assignment with Hawke (good Lord what a dorky name) because he feels that they're made for each other. Didn't she realize, even subconsciously, that that was not only stupid of him, but slimy and unethical. If she had come home with a baby bump and no ring, no doubt he would have found a way to blame her.
Her boyfriend was a walking, talking illustration of an opinionated, possessive, petty, incredibly juvenile mama's boy. He called her his fiancee, although later in the story she told Hawke that she had turned him down when he proposed. Any woman besotted enough to marry him would be more of a baby sitter than a wife.
Then we come to the mighty Hawke. A seventeen year age gap is really a lot. The only way it could work is for both partners to be calm and mature people who have a great deal of respect for each other, which is the opposite of the case we have here. This male lead is arrogant and supercilious, and deliberately treats her with no respect whatsoever and makes no secret of the fact that he thinks she's rather stupid. About the only good reason for her to marry him would be to wait twenty years, when she'll still be desirable and she can embarrass the crap out of him by telling people how many cases of Depends he goes through.
As to Siri, I thought she was pretty decent. She was far more astute and mature than the pre-pubescent Mark. The two older males that have always been in her life, Papa and Hawke, spend all of their time with her trying to keep her in princess dresses and seem to have no problem whatever continually telling her how immature, spoiled, and childish she is, going as far as to double team her to get her to do what they want. In actuality, she is a reporter, and seems to be an ethical one, from what I saw in the story. What she needs to do is get away from the idiot males in her life and find someone, preferably with a sense of humour, who actually likes women and believes that they are really human and not a sub-class of Homo sapiens, forever inferior to the lordly male.
