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I am starting to become tired of this piece, but I really want to know the ending so I can't abandon the work.

Lovety001 August 21, 2015 8:38 am

This manga is very enticing, interesting, and melodramatic. I personally have no problem with polygamous relationships. However the way that the polygamous relationship is represented is somewhat mis-represented and just a little over dramatic. Maybe because it is still updating but in these types of relationships everyone develops together, sometimes there will be big orgies, sometimes there wont. However for this type of relationship to work your going to have to lay yourself "bare" (become vulnerable mentally, physically, etc.) because of the nature of the relationship. The relationship they share in the story is made complicated by the fact the the second wife is a psycho, and the third wife rather divorce. The whole family needs to have a sit down and just lay everything on the table. The first wife is funny and sincerely wants the Ryuu to be happy, she also enjoys laughing at this troubles. The second wife is a crazy woman with OCD when Ryuu is involved, she's envious and manipulative (her representation in this post shows prejudice, I DON'T LIKE HER) And, the third wife is uninterested, unavailable and aggressive towards Ryuu, she doesn't want this type of relationship but she has developed feelings for Ryuu. I really don't know what or how sensei plans to end it and that's the only reason I am sticking with it, had it ended already, I would have skipped to the end. Seriously.
