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Honestly I’m so pissed I wasted on the story. I’m so disappointed, like I’m at a los...

Yaoi_lover December 18, 2020 4:27 am

Honestly I’m so pissed I wasted on the story. I’m so disappointed, like I’m at a loss.. like I don’t even know how to feel anymore. I’m just so pissed.. I’ve never rated a story one star and if I could I would give it none. I was really looking forward to some character development from junoh but no no no no. He never told Minoh anything and that’s what pisses me off so much you basically threw your bf to the side. Even in the very end you never told him anything,tsk. I thought that their relationship would grow strong and he would learn to rely on him a bit more and be more open and expressive but no. I don’t even know what to do anymore I’m pissed off for the night... and this is just gonna linger on repeat in my brain. ughhh
