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I'm fully aware that this is "just" a comedy and I might be giving it too much credit here...

awwi December 19, 2020 1:36 pm

I'm fully aware that this is "just" a comedy and I might be giving it too much credit here but this is such a breath of fresh air. I didn't know how much I wanted a story with an MC like Melissa until I started reading it.
I've always been a little bit bothered that so many female MCs are these innocent, prefect little flowers or even when they're portrayed as strong they still have to be basically flawless (or it's the complete opposite and you end up with a female MC who is completely unlikable).
Melissa isn't perfect or innocent, she's just a great human being. I love how she stopped Nine from killing his brother not because she cared about this piece of shit and whether he dies or not but because she knew her friend couldn't handle the mental consequences of killing his own brother.
And having characters like this in a story also makes their relationships with each other come across as significantly more genuin than the usual "I love her because she's an innocent angel" reason.
And then there is also the fact that she's hot as hell. I mean, how often do we get a series with fanservice like this? A short look at the comment section should be enough to see that people are starving for this kind of content. We need more female characters actually worth thirsting for and not just the same boring teenage girl with a different hair style over and over again ;).
