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oh fuck him

Seri_na December 19, 2020 5:18 pm

Oh ya you're blaming yourself for having tons of people watching you and your abusive steps mother beat the shit out of you. Make sure she get everything she needs to abuse you while daddy is in war and only ''deported'' that bitch away while you weep over killing your own mom that the father didn't bother to keep safe neither the people in that castle.

YET. your wife try to get rid of the person that tries to kill her daily and you're still standing by her side claiming ''she's different''

Yeah no. i'm not having any of that. You're an idiot and everything in that castle is crooked. If i was that queen i would have stabbed him and end of the story. Pitying that dude won't give you anything except even more hardship over your fight to survive. He'll still fuck you over when you will go back because Miss ginger will still be waiting on you no matter what and get nastier. With mr victim over there turning a blind eye like his daddy. You're done as well.

What's next. Rosalind will be magically pregnant, the deported empress will pop back and go back teaming with ginger bitch to beat him up in secret everyday while they get back at our MC?

There's a limit at how your trauma can lead you on the way. I see tons of irl stories and manga where the person take their trauma's to make their strength. Yet all you do is have everyone pitying you? fuck it. You're the one that should stay in their room and give full control to our MC. you're useless in every sense as a kind.

(Maybe I should stop reading this for a few chapter i'm getting angrier at each of them)

    what’s goin on December 19, 2020 6:02 pm

    I definitely get where you’re coming from but you’ve got a remember that redemption stories even in real life for these situations are not that common. A good way to understand it is kind of like saying why former cult members follow the cult for so long or why someone who was in a very abusive relationship stayed for over 10 years. Trauma distorts the way you see the world and it pretty much brainwashes you into a certain mentality you can’t get rid of. No this is not to say that he’s justified with everything he’s done but this isn’t just physical abuse either. He killed his own mother with his bare hands in desperation to not die. So to imagine the realization that the mother he’d always wanted is dead in front of him is beyond traumatizing.
    Also I’m pretty sure that the king disposed of the former queen not deported.

    It makes perfect sense that he would cling to someone who claims to understand what he’s going through because she’s essentially the light at the end of the tunnel. She is his saving grace and she is the reason he is still alive and sane (which are questionable) but he’s clinging onto the last piece of hope he has left. When you are so traumatized you are willing to put logic aside and ignore every red flag there is in order to keep what you think has been good to you. So that also means making excuses for the people who have hurt you or who are hurting other people because in your mind they’re nothing but good to you.

    Anyways I know it’s just a story and he really does annoy me with his choices but I guess the only consolation for me is that now I know why he is the way he is. It actually explains so much.

    lily1039 December 19, 2020 9:46 pm
    I definitely get where you’re coming from but you’ve got a remember that redemption stories even in real life for these situations are not that common. A good way to understand it is kind of like saying why... what’s goin on


    iwaizumikin December 20, 2020 7:09 am

    i get youre frustrated but i feel like you’re being a bit close minded about this. he’s so adamant on keeping rosemond by his side because he THOUGHT she understood him. no one else knew what he was going through, but rosemond did (though she took advantage of this). of course it would be hard to let go of the one and only person you think understands you.

    your point on trauma motivates some people... well yeah key word SOME. and he’s not those some people, people deal with trauma in different ways. he was a child, who experienced not one ounce of love. there’s no way in hell that would inspire him to become stronger. HE WAS A CHILD, his mind was barely developing. it’s not surprising what he developed was just a huge destructive trauma. you can’t just be like trauma should make him stronger???? what

    how are you literally victim blaming right now? that’s the worse thing you could possibly do. he was traumatized, he killed his own birth mother, no one cared for him, he was desperate. but now you’re practically mocking him for being mentally unstable? did you even think this through