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Why people like yahwi?

erin December 19, 2020 8:52 pm

I'm still confused why people are still on yahwi side, even when he did those horrible things to jooin. I'm sure that if yahwi wasn't hot like right now, yall would have been dropped him and went onto the other seme, it seems like this is pretty privlege to me. I'm not saying you're not supposed to have your opinion but it still confuses me, and weirds me out. even after yahwi r@ped jooin, and BLAMED it on him for not remebering it, even though he was drunk and unaware and had no recollection to anything, yall still like this man? after he treated jooin like some sex toy?? and when jooin tried to move on he acted jooin like he was his "boyfriend" and started being controlive and 'overprotective'? and do I also need to mention that he stopped jooin for standing up for himself even though HIS friends were spreading rumors and being homophobic?

I'm not trying to bring anybody down for their opinion, but if it seems like it please correct me and i'll apologize.

    minutta December 19, 2020 9:20 pm

    ...what's the point of yahwi stans telling you why they like him lol you won't change your opinion on him just like your comment won't change theirs. it's futile and ridiculous.

    also the pretty privilege thing...why are you making it sound like it's an exclusively yahwi thing? BL artists are deliberately making the characters to be attractive because that sells. people are more tempted to look at beautiful men. all mains in the BL genre benefit off pretty privilege. it's like a big portion of the readers didn't give this story a chance just because the art is pretty lmao

    erin December 19, 2020 9:28 pm
    ...what's the point of yahwi stans telling you why they like him lol you won't change your opinion on him just like your comment won't change theirs. it's futile and ridiculous.also the pretty privilege thing..... minutta

    yes, this is my opinion but I'm asking them why they like him after all the things he did to jooin, and yes it is pretty privlege lol. Because if yahwi wasn't so hot, and he did shit like this 90% of you guys wouldn't like him, and you'll stan the other seme. And this is not in this manhwa it's in mostly all common BL's like these. And I'm not trying to change their opinion..? I do respect their opinion but I'm asking why they like him? I don't see the problem in that

    minutta December 19, 2020 9:37 pm
    yes, this is my opinion but I'm asking them why they like him after all the things he did to jooin, and yes it is pretty privlege lol. Because if yahwi wasn't so hot, and he did shit like this 90% of you guys w... erin

    I literally said that every BL main benefits off pretty privilege which means Yahwi does too so like? Why are you still trying to convince me of that lmao I said the same thing.

    I simply stated my opinion on this topic. You can ask all you want.

    minutta December 19, 2020 9:43 pm
    yes, this is my opinion but I'm asking them why they like him after all the things he did to jooin, and yes it is pretty privlege lol. Because if yahwi wasn't so hot, and he did shit like this 90% of you guys w... erin

    also what do you mean by staning the other seme when 95% of the people in the comments are simping for cain like crazy, it's not like he's considered ugly

    かゆいやおい尻 December 20, 2020 1:39 am
    also what do you mean by staning the other seme when 95% of the people in the comments are simping for cain like crazy, it's not like he's considered ugly minutta

    when I first saw Cain- I am sorry- I THOUGHT he was- SO UGLY- but meh I guess his personality is ok-

    erin December 20, 2020 3:54 am
    also what do you mean by staning the other seme when 95% of the people in the comments are simping for cain like crazy, it's not like he's considered ugly minutta

    You don't get what I'm saying lol. I'm saying that if yahwi wasn't so hot and gorgeous as he is now. No one would have stanned him

    no one opens the door December 20, 2020 10:04 am
    when I first saw Cain- I am sorry- I THOUGHT he was- SO UGLY- but meh I guess his personality is ok- かゆいやおい尻


    minutta December 20, 2020 10:39 am
    You don't get what I'm saying lol. I'm saying that if yahwi wasn't so hot and gorgeous as he is now. No one would have stanned him erin

    Are you even reading what I am saying? I already told you twice that I know one of the reasons why Yahwi gets a free pass on his shit it’s because of his looks lmao and no one would have stanned him? There’s a hot dude with ”infinite stamina” in the story, so it’s not like Yahwi is keeping us on a leash just because he’s the hottest man in the comic Some of us just don’t vibe with Cain’s overbearing personality and constant simping, it’s not always about looks.

    December 20, 2020 12:18 pm
    Are you even reading what I am saying? I already told you twice that I know one of the reasons why Yahwi gets a free pass on his shit it’s because of his looks lmao and no one would have stanned him? There’... minutta


    no one opens the door December 20, 2020 12:25 pm
    Are you even reading what I am saying? I already told you twice that I know one of the reasons why Yahwi gets a free pass on his shit it’s because of his looks lmao and no one would have stanned him? There’... minutta