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ik what i was getting into with this but

Alara December 19, 2020 10:51 pm

yup, as expected its prettt bad my problem isnt nececarilly the plot but the characters and how unrealistic this manga is. this type of hentai-like smut mangas are never really realistic and makes me think the writers have never met any women in their life or just cant write for shit(probably the latter and its not like they can write men either) its just not enjoyable i guess there might be some people eho enjoy it but even the drawings kinda suck so i honestly dont reccomend you waste your time. the characters all act weird and in these type of mangas they write every single character as a nympho as if everyone in the world is sex addicts its also just bullshit the effect the ml has on women, like he looks at them and they get wet? even when they just meet him? tf? no matter how good he is at sex he has no other reedemable qualitys so this 'no women rejects him' sitation is bullshit he isnt some sort of succubus(then at least it would make sense) also again the drawings are pretty inconsistent and every female character wears stuff that show their boobs with extremly short skirts/dresses(not that anything is wrong with that butts just not very usual that everyone dresses like that) amd while mentioning clothes its weird how whenn the fl wore leggins we could see her pussy pretty clearly? its not like she wasnt wearing panties either, ml's dick also look hella weird in those pants i just dont think thats how clothes work, right?

    Ciciko20 December 19, 2020 11:43 pm

    Yeaa i agree with u this manga is weird.. Look at tht man he's not handsome at all

    Waffles December 20, 2020 3:01 am

    Its porn what do u want

    Alara December 20, 2020 11:06 am
    Yeaa i agree with u this manga is weird.. Look at tht man he's not handsome at all Ciciko20

    yeah, im not even talking about his appearence though he actually has a nice body and an a good face(for a male orriented smut manga, usually its old bald fat men) but he's such a bitch and a psycho that it doesnt matter no matter how good a thot looks he's still a thot and assholes arent attractive imo

    Alara December 20, 2020 11:09 am
    Its porn what do u want Waffles

    its a smut/ecchi manga and ive seen a lot better of course i wont except much from porn but there are really good smut mangas out there compared to this and actuall good smut manga(porn if you want to calm it that) makes into lezhin or a site where people pay for it, quality does matter

    Waffles December 20, 2020 12:40 pm
    its a smut/ecchi manga and ive seen a lot better of course i wont except much from porn but there are really good smut mangas out there compared to this and actuall good smut manga(porn if you want to calm it t... Alara

    Dont expect anything from just a straight up porn with no good plot its just an excuse for sex ok?

    Waffles December 20, 2020 12:41 pm
    its a smut/ecchi manga and ive seen a lot better of course i wont except much from porn but there are really good smut mangas out there compared to this and actuall good smut manga(porn if you want to calm it t... Alara

    Its for people who just want the fucking