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Sometimes I read the comments and be wondering what story these people were reading... Yea...

BL_F@NGIRL December 20, 2020 5:57 am

Sometimes I read the comments and be wondering what story these people were reading... Yeah they relationship was bad in the beginning, but that was due to miscommunication on misunderstanding, it was cause they had history and said hurtful this to each other... Was there ultimately a misunderstanding, yes but an annoyingly minor one... Hyun was a broken person, who came from a broken home, who eventually realized it, and overcame it, does he have a twisted personality, and sometime speaks harshly yes, but most people do, the point is Myungook accepted that part of him, and loved him anyways... I think want's they decided to enter a relationship, their communication, honestly, love, and loyalty were amazing... I honestly never disliked Hyun, and understand why he felt hurt by Myungook in the beginning, and loved that he acknowledge how he also hurt Myungook... this was a really good, down to earth type of story... I loved it!!!
