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The Best/Favorite couple

Akashi's Queen August 29, 2015 5:25 am

When I read all of the comments today.... It felt like I wanna do a survey myself who is your bet.... Which couple in junjou is your favorite???

Mine is...
1. Junjou terrorist (Shinobu x Miyagi) super cute couple.. I just love the vibes
2. Junjou Egoist (Hiroki x Nowaki) and Junjou Mistake (Asahina x Isaka)
3. Junjou Romantica (Misaki x Usagi)


    FuckYouToo September 4, 2015 10:16 pm
    thank you for the comment... Are you alright now?? Akashi's Queen

    Yes I am, thank you very much! And so sorry for replying so late T^T

    Akashi's Queen September 4, 2015 11:58 pm
    Yes I am, thank you very much! And so sorry for replying so late T^T @FuckYouToo

    don't be sorry, we are all busy with our lives after all

    Avni March 6, 2020 4:45 am
    Thank you for your honesty.... Yeah.... Terrorist is the best!!! Akashi's Queen

    I wish there was a manga just for the terrorist couple