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So the last chapter... Really???? It's not just the seme the one I'm angry at. The "friend...

aerslevdi August 28, 2015 2:15 pm

So the last chapter... Really????
It's not just the seme the one I'm angry at. The "friend" pushes him back towards a cheating, somewhat sadistic and selfish partner.
The seme went back after some other guy instead of going after the uke to see if he was hurt or something. And every time he apologised he didn't mean it which made it obvious he wasn't planing on stopping at all.
And I feel truly sorry for the uke. When seeking help and comfort and some more strength to stop this farce his friend doesn't help much. He gets hurt and sees the seme running after another one and it's like he's the only one being faithful and hurting.
But at the same time I wonder whether there wasn't some fault on the uke's side. He had been cheated once too many times and it's always "one last chance". And it seems like the only reason why he's putting up with it is because the seme was the only guy who was willing to have a real relationship with him.
So in the end I can see how they are both at fault.
