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so for the longest time every time there was an update i was confused as hell. so today i ...

Seke September 2, 2015 2:58 am

so for the longest time every time there was an update i was confused as hell. so today i decided to re read the whole thing. and it makes more sense now. not as confused as i once was. now i can say i actually enjoy reading this.

    Anonymous September 12, 2015 9:36 pm

    IV been seeing the updates for this for like ever.. Never really felt like reading it till today.. And I'm totally confused... Is it really possible to understand it by rereading it?!

    manganime September 12, 2015 9:38 pm
    IV been seeing the updates for this for like ever.. Never really felt like reading it till today.. And I'm totally confused... Is it really possible to understand it by rereading it?! @Anonymous

    Nope. Don't bother. It's a lost cause.

    Seke September 13, 2015 2:28 am

    haha im not saying it made complete sense to me to where it was no longer super confusing. there are far to many wholes in the plot to make much sense of it. but before i re read it. i couldnt make heads or tails of what was happening with in each new chapter. because they didnt flow well together. and the characters slightly confused me. so after i re read it i was able to pick up on things that i didnt get the first time around. so there for it made more sense to me that it was.