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yes yul is a kid, but he is old enough to at least understand, that having the kitten arou...

Rania December 22, 2020 7:21 pm

yes yul is a kid, but he is old enough to at least understand, that having the kitten around will be hurting jun. Even my sister, who is around the same age understood. When i had my period and she jumped on me my breasts hurt and of course i told her about it and now she doesn't do it anymore and even asks me if my breasts hurt if she even sees a little pain on my face.
this is why the conversation at the vets pissed me off... the talked about keeping the kitten right next to jun and ended up guilttripping him unknowingly... even if it wasn't like that, they have enough stress in their lives as it is and to even give the task of raising a kitten to jun, who just started working is too much...
i have enough of this... watching jun makes me so stressed. He needs a break
