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Oh man now let me vent a few things XD

Meme September 3, 2015 5:35 am

Nemu's gay friend (forgot his name..) seems like he must have taken a liking into Maya if you read this page to the next.
Because he did also said he'll try to date/find a boyfriend like Maya too. But that's what i think, though he also showed interests in Akira but it doesn't seem to me like how he is towards Maya in a way... Maybe it's just me..

But Akira's brother totally pissed me off too. Like i get it. He's head over heels about his brother (though i dont mind incest yaoi but i seriously am not rooting for it here because Akira and Shimakawa are just PERF!! Like making me fangirl over this yaoi mess to the extreme max!!!!). But still like Juuta is so selfish (/TTvTT)/ why you gotta try to seclude your brother from others?! Ugh Shimakawa i hope there comes a point where Juuta TRIES, oh just he TRY to make a move on Shimakawa and LAWD HAVE MERCY PUUUUH~LEASE!!! Have Akira there to witness Shimakawa just KABAM!! Like just put it flat out there to Juuta like, 'Bruh, nah. You, unlike the sensei ; can never be a replacement for Akira!! Like OMFG I WOULD DIEEEEE!!!! Just to show Akira like, this Shima kun is HEAD OVA HEELS!!! but yeah!! Ehehehe but damn...! I wanna see Shimakawa and Maya just go down like FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!! Then KABOOM!! Bruh like something really just need to climax for me to see some even more steamy perverted scenes between AkixShima and MayaxNemu!!

Though not the hugest fan of either Nemu's gay friend (even though he can be cute) and Juuta, i wonder what would happen if the two got together?! >;D

    kimchita September 15, 2015 5:00 am

    Sorry! I want to click ur link but instead click the annoying button._.