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guys stop arguing with eachother

Hel December 23, 2020 7:29 pm

look, we all know this manga was fucked up as hell. rape is horrible and any depiction of it that doesn't come with the incarceration of the rapist is going to be frustrating. personally i got really mf disturbed reading this but i understood what i got myself into. for all the people saying "if you don't like it don't read it" just accept the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. it wouldn't be the first time people like myself have read something they hated but couldn't stop reading it cause of the morbidity. if you enjoyed it, that's fine. if you didn't, that's also fine. just don't gang up on each other cause you get offended that the other person gets it's rape man. it's understandable to get thrown off. remember that real people go through this and probably don't have the greatest experience. anyway, yeah sorry for the long ass comment. just thought i'd put my 2 cents in here.

    Hel December 23, 2020 7:34 pm

    also, this is not me judging other people's preferences. again, if you enjoy this type of thing its understandable if you get frustrated with other people's disgust of it. just look at it from both sides and understand where they're coming from. everyone's experiences are different, so we don't know where they're coming from. this author obviously put a lot of heart into this manga, so let's respect it and eachother.

    Miriko December 24, 2020 12:30 am
    also, this is not me judging other people's preferences. again, if you enjoy this type of thing its understandable if you get frustrated with other people's disgust of it. just look at it from both sides and un... Hel

    I mean it gets pretty annoying when one of your favourite manga get shit on by a bunch of readers who constantly complain about it without dropping it.( ̄∇ ̄")
    It's like reading Harada works with 100% knowledge on what they write about and saying "this manga is rape so it sucks" when every one knows their works are so dark
    And besides it's fictional so this manga doesn't harm anyone also i doubt any of us reading it would ever harm anyone

    Hel December 24, 2020 2:03 am
    I mean it gets pretty annoying when one of your favourite manga get shit on by a bunch of readers who constantly complain about it without dropping it.( ̄∇ ̄")It's like reading Harada works with 100% knowle... Miriko

    yeah--i get it from that point of view. it just gets annoying when both sides shit on each other when they both have varying reasons for why they like/dislike the manga. i have my reasons for disliking certain mangas with rape, but i still read them despite knowing this. noone's forcing me to and i know this. i can still enjoy the work despite the rape/harassment in it as well.