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I still don't understand why the title is the pale horse Heck I don't even understand what...

smol hearteu onli December 24, 2020 11:05 am

I still don't understand why the title is the pale horse
Heck I don't even understand what she really is. A goddess? Harbinger of death? Vampire queen? Mother Nature nanidafuk...

    Rena17 December 25, 2020 1:44 am

    The meaning of a pale horse is basically death also disaster, destruction and bloodshed etc
    In earlier chapters someone I think Rose painted the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse on the walls.

    And the last one was ‘A Pale Horse’ = Death

    smol hearteu onli December 25, 2020 3:33 am
    The meaning of a pale horse is basically death also disaster, destruction and bloodshed etc In earlier chapters someone I think Rose painted the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse on the walls. And the last one was �... Rena17

    @.@ that makes a lot of sense now... femme fatale @.@