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Best Groveling Mangas?

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 25, 2020 12:21 am

Please recommend me any of the groveling mangas you read. I love to shed tears over a good one. But please do not recommend mangas like Overdose, Innocent Blue, First Love (Miyuki Abe) and Scarlet because those mangas where the MC forgives way too easily makes my blood boil.

I don't mind the MC and Ml ending up together. But the MC or Ml shouldn't forgive the other way too easily like the ones above.

My favourite groveling mangas are !0 Years Where I Loved You The Most, Warui Yume, Yajirushi and Cappucino. Some of the best novels in this genre are
I like shoujos too, So anything is fine. Thanks.
P.S. I already read Palace of Bardo.
