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is it just me orrr

cactus December 25, 2020 3:57 am

this story rlly REALLY had so much potential from the start, if it had character development, specifically for junoh, it would have been a looot better... I just wished the author focused more on the main couple than the rest of the characters, it just made it into a confusing story,,, nice art ig

    Bobbington January 8, 2021 3:19 am

    A lot of BL end up like this... Things seem to be tied up with the main couple, so the author switches to a new couple. It's either that or things get awkward as they go on for too long. I liked it either way, but I wish they could have ended it more cleanly for the third wheel guy who had a crush on BOTH of them! Give him a boyfriend or cut that whole side story out--