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hii, i just read your review about hi him us and i couldnt agree more. i feel like jungsoo...

wolfgang December 25, 2020 9:37 am

hii, i just read your review about hi him us and i couldnt agree more. i feel like jungsoo started to like hyun because he was emotionally unstable and unlike everyone thought i didnt find anything wrong with minyul liking people that looks like his mother. i’m so glad to found someone that thinks positively about minyul and jungsoo.

    Triple choclate deku December 25, 2020 6:52 pm

    Yeah,it made me kinda sad . I'm just gonna pretend that everything after Jungsoo got hit didn't happen.

    wolfgang December 26, 2020 12:57 pm
    Yeah,it made me kinda sad . I'm just gonna pretend that everything after Jungsoo got hit didn't happen. Triple choclate deku

    yea i’m doing that rn as well

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