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mnooooooooooo I neeeed that last bit with them doing ti as lovers nooooooooooo :'(

Tetsuya Akira September 7, 2015 8:26 pm

mnooooooooooo I neeeed that last bit with them doing ti as lovers nooooooooooo :'(

    Stormborn September 21, 2015 1:57 pm

    Yes! Damnit! Now that you mention it. I was just so happy about the happy ending (though thinking about another thing as well...his enemy still got away unpunished and is still out there :/ hmm...). Anyway: Yaaaiih Happy Ending :D

    Stormborn September 22, 2015 12:02 am
    Yes! Damnit! Now that you mention it. I was just so happy about the happy ending (though thinking about another thing as well...his enemy still got away unpunished and is still out there :/ hmm...). Anyway: Yaa... Stormborn

    Forget what I just said ^^ completely forgot about Zoros immediate revenge on them. kinda fatal xp