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Make it make sense

kyra 23 December 25, 2020 2:55 pm

Ugh...I'm done. I don't even know who this "Nakyum" and "Seungho".
What bothers me the most is that she forgot her characters personalities. Nakyum is now this bland and blank character, who stumbles his words and is completely submissive to everything. He's nothing, he's become boring and quite annoying because of this. He used to be a man that stood on his values and talked back to Seungho, and was a little snippy at times.

Seungho was a rational intelligent lord, who is violent but always thought things thoroughly. He was calculated and used his power accordingly. Now, he's a more abusive dickhead who never thinks anything through and continues to rape a man he is supposed to love.

    Asdfghj December 25, 2020 3:05 pm

    Exactly!! I really wonder what the author is thinking seriously, i understand she never intended this to be a light hearted story, but the latest chapters aren't even dark or intriguing, just straight up of low taste and rushed