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Unpopular opinion:

ChinScratchHmm December 25, 2020 7:40 pm

Shirotaki is not much better than Fujiwara, after all he knew about Fujiwara's trauma and kept that to himself when she got rejected and then took advantage of her confusion.

If he really was a friend to both of them (regardless of his feelings), he should at least have told her what he knew first, especially afterwards when she was confused and sad. As we saw later, once she knew of the trauma holding Fujiwara back, she managed to help him overcome it.
Instead Shirotaki takes advantage of his friend's trauma and her sadness to pull her away from Fujiwara.

I get that Fujiwara hurt her, and maybe people think that it was a 'snooze and you lose' situation... But I can't always help but think it's sad that people just dismiss a clearly emotionally traumatized person.

I do agree though that this love triangle was handled poorly, it was way too drawn out, and the author should not have had her actually date Shirotaki.
It should have been him forcing her to go on one date with her. In the end the both of them would realize that she couldn't let Fujiwara go. Shirotaki would confess his feelings to get them off his chest, and then tell her about Fujiwara's trauma. Then we could move straight to her helping Fujiwara and them growing closer again.

    Shxa December 26, 2020 1:02 am

    Couldn’t agree more!