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I don't think the brother was all that horrible

jrpgaddicted September 10, 2015 1:39 am

As an older brother myself, there are times when i just hate my siblings with a burning passion. everyone in my family does the same thing in all honesty. we yell, say mean shit, and beat each other and never apologize.
probably cuz my family is a little twisted, but at least he feels bad about it. my siblings feel no remorse. my parents are the same way XD
Grew up in a twisted family. but at least his brother really does care deep down.
Either way I really like this story lol wish there was more though!

    Shirayuki November 9, 2015 1:43 pm

    My family is a bit twisted too. They solve every problem with fist fight or say things like im gonna kill you, or i should've squished you to death when u're born. So i feel you, really. Even though i'm a girl they dont hesitate to punch me to the ground in public lol.
    Sorry i'm just awed that theres someone out there who's got a home situation a bit like me ( ̄∇ ̄")

    dark lustio November 9, 2015 2:10 pm
    My family is a bit twisted too. They solve every problem with fist fight or say things like im gonna kill you, or i should've squished you to death when u're born. So i feel you, really. Even though i'm a girl ... Shirayuki

    i hope u're ok.. ╥﹏╥...its just so sad when you say it like that....sorryyyyyy for suddenly said this thing.... ╥﹏╥

    Shirayuki November 9, 2015 9:33 pm
    i hope u're ok.. ╥﹏╥...its just so sad when you say it like that....sorryyyyyy for suddenly said this thing.... ╥﹏╥ dark lustio

    Well i'm still getting fed, going to school, and to be here commenting on this proves that i'm ok i think XD.. dont be sorry! Thanks for worrying (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    jrpgaddicted November 9, 2015 10:49 pm
    Well i'm still getting fed, going to school, and to be here commenting on this proves that i'm ok i think XD.. dont be sorry! Thanks for worrying (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Shirayuki

    lol for one i am glad you are okay. for two, i am a transguy who is beautifully pansexual (not beautiful but its just for the heck of saying it) but my family don't know that. so i can understand how you feel on emotional levels. Im pretty sure i played the "lets see if you can dodge all the knives" game as punishment. XD i actually kinda understand what you are going through

    dark lustio November 10, 2015 2:54 am

    when i read your post..and i'm wondering that a lot of people in this wolrd that suffer..people says when we thinks that our sufferness is bigger,,just think back that there are people in this world who are more suffer than you are.......i felt like i want to cry when you all said that.. ╥﹏╥..cauze i'm easily crying girl.. ╥﹏╥ patient my yaoi friends....(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    jrpgaddicted November 10, 2015 5:24 am
    when i read your post..and i'm wondering that a lot of people in this wolrd that suffer..people says when we thinks that our sufferness is bigger,,just think back that there are people in this world who are mor... dark lustio

    yeah i can say the same thing. people go through so much worse than i do. haha but we can survive! cuz we have amazing people like you here and we have yaoi. can't forget the beautiful yaoi (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ but its okay friend. we can make it through

    Shirayuki November 10, 2015 8:08 am
    yeah i can say the same thing. people go through so much worse than i do. haha but we can survive! cuz we have amazing people like you here and we have yaoi. can't forget the beautiful yaoi (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ ... jrpgaddicted

    Yeah i'll always be grateful everytime whenever i remember that good people like you guys do exist at the other side of the world ;) yeah to yaoi friends!!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
    I agree! There's so many people going through much worse than i do too..they dont even have what we call home, or shelter.. they starve everytime and they work hard just to have food..and i'm here laying on my bed with a roof above my head feeling !@##$/^$&#& when im feeling sad i always reminded myself that i'll have to be grateful just to have a family. And im way past that period of time when i went berserk and almost ended up in the news bcuz of stupid reasons such as trying to hurt myself repeatedly or beyond that. Yeah we can make it!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Shirayuki November 10, 2015 8:14 am
    when i read your post..and i'm wondering that a lot of people in this wolrd that suffer..people says when we thinks that our sufferness is bigger,,just think back that there are people in this world who are mor... dark lustio

    Me too. I cry easily too TT. I can even cry watching friendship or family movies, or animal abused, or animal related movie/ even an article, i can even cry while viewing sad pictures related to unfortunate people like that. In my country, there's lots of underage kids (not even 8 years old) playing guitar in the traffic lights while asking for money and it breaks my heart.

    dark lustio November 10, 2015 3:27 pm
    Me too. I cry easily too TT. I can even cry watching friendship or family movies, or animal abused, or animal related movie/ even an article, i can even cry while viewing sad pictures related to unfortunate peo... Shirayuki

    thanks godness...way to go yaoi friends..:)...if you want to let your sadness out..please please dont shoulder by yourself..i'm here..i will be here with you my yaoi friends...eventhough i cant heal your wound but i will happy to hear out whatever you want to share with me... ╥﹏╥...luv u all....luv yaoi...