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awwi December 26, 2020 12:53 pm

I don't feel bad for Ian. He has done all those things out of selfish and spiteful reasons. Being one the most powerful people in the country and abusing that position to use other people as toys and to hurt your fiancée as much as possible is something despicable. He should feel bad about it. He also would've never changed had Melissa not stood up to him.
That being said I'm proud of him for trying to make things right. He's not even attempting to convince Melissa to not break off the engagement which does imply that he's intentions are sincere and that he's aware how horrible he was (I really hate it when an arrogant douchebag character only changes because otherwise his love-interest would run away. That's not actual change, it's just being selfish).
However, I don't see them having any kind of romantic relationship in the future. His past behaviour has caused too much damage for that. But I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up having a more friendly relationship with each other.
