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guys, i m new to this manga.. should i read it or not? whats the story about?

mika chan December 27, 2020 10:17 am

guys, i m new to this manga.. should i read it or not? whats the story about?

    Elliota Moonskin January 3, 2021 3:58 am

    On the superficial level, the story is just about a girl who just lost both of her parents and moved in to live with her aunt. But as you keep reading the story, even from the second chapter, you will find a lot of dialogue and things said by all of these characters that I feel resonate with a lot of people. It's a really beautiful and sad at the same time sotry. It's about finding meaning to things, asking a lot when you don't understand something, and debating about your own feelings. There really is no way to describe this manga in a way that makes sense, because it's just such an emotional and personal experience, that everyone will interpret it in a different way. But it's a total masterpiece.

    tofu January 18, 2021 10:53 pm

    Please please read! It's REALLY good. As for what's it's about, it's just about a girl and her aunt and their relationship with people around them, but it's so well written and will definitely touch your heart.