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is this an unpopular opinion?

frankiegrande December 28, 2020 5:46 pm

i know that chapter 40 was pretty disturbing, but honestly i think it was much less disturbing than r*pe scenes from yaois like insecret, if you hate me so, etc because in those stories, the r*pe resulted in... nothing. it was either forgiven or forgotten. the romanticizing of r*pe is so normalized in yaoi, and this author made it a point to depict r*pe as what it really is, disgusting and traumatic. normalize putting abusers in jail in yaoi

    Nobody123 December 28, 2020 6:06 pm

    For me tho this shook me so much, because in rapes like insecret we've seen then have sex before and they're not physically fighting the other person(which still doesn't excuse that's it's rape) but this one,.Idk there was just something about it that honestly made me wanna cry , maybe it's cause I got more attached to this character

    frankiegrande December 28, 2020 6:42 pm
    For me tho this shook me so much, because in rapes like insecret we've seen then have sex before and they're not physically fighting the other person(which still doesn't excuse that's it's rape) but this one,.I... Nobody123

    oh i agree that this one was a lot more violent and upsetting to read, but to me it's overall more disturbing to see the victims in other yaois forgive their abuser or forget it even happened. it's like they're normalizing no consent in sex

    Nobody123 December 28, 2020 9:17 pm
    oh i agree that this one was a lot more violent and upsetting to read, but to me it's overall more disturbing to see the victims in other yaois forgive their abuser or forget it even happened. it's like they're... frankiegrande

    I agree, creators shouldn't be making it a normal part of yaoi stories