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I......does this count as rape?

uwunan December 28, 2020 8:04 pm

I see a lot of comments saying he's raping nakyum but I don't see it? Nakyum enjoys the sex and has not tried pulling away like he used to, he doesn't even really say "no" other than the weird ass "no" that actually means "yes". He is enjoying himself, the only time he looks upset (besides crying from pleasure) is when seungho stops himself from kissing him. At most this is dub-con cause this is in no way a rape scene. I've read rape scenes and the feeling I get from this (neutral/admiring the art style) vs actual rape scenes (me being disgusted and dropping the story when it gets too much) is very different. Also, this story was not advertised as an uwu fluff with little angst manhwa, shits been compared to killing stalking, y'all should've known. Complaining about shit you signed up for is dumb. Seungho is a fucked up person who went through fucked up shit and is most likely not all mentally sane, his backstory is slowly being revealed you can't expect someone who's that messed up to be suddenly "fixed" because he fell in love. Him falling in love just means that him getting hurt would lead to his lover getting hurt. Nakyum should just tell him what happened, he's afraid, but tf are those mfers gonna do when bad bitch seungho squad pulls up?? This is the part in dramas where Characters do dumb shit to drive the plot along. Relax. Seungho got deep seeded mental issues and is gonna need more than 63 chapters to start changing. Maybe nakyum IS the answer maybe he's not, we don't know

    Niahbooky December 28, 2020 8:19 pm

    Right I don’t understand when they say it’s “rape” he’s literally NOT pulling away :^

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 8:49 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yue Shang

    so why was he ogasming more than once and why all the tome his di** was up. Compare it to the previous rape chapter at the pavilion when his di** was flaccid.

    ChocoHoney December 28, 2020 8:55 pm
    so why was he ogasming more than once and why all the tome his di** was up. Compare it to the previous rape chapter at the pavilion when his di** was flaccid. Anonymous

    Because everyone knows the human body will always work regardless. Man.. people like you are the reason why it's hard for male rape victims to speak up. It was rape.

    Anonnymous December 28, 2020 9:02 pm

    Totally agreed with you and I mentioned the same in my comment earlier that this is not rape, etc... some people need the author detail if the scene is rape or not because they are lacking in the comprehension department. Rape is not a word to be vocalizing carelessly... I can’t with some of these mofos on this website.

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 9:09 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yue Shang

    ok so if you are that smart saying its biological reaction then why he dudnt have the SAME BIOLOGICAL reaction at the pavillion

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 9:09 pm
    Totally agreed with you and I mentioned the same in my comment earlier that this is not rape, etc... some people need the author detail if the scene is rape or not because they are lacking in the comprehension ... Anonnymous

    they complain and they still read it every Friday lol

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 9:22 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yue Shang

    yes yes make excuses and stories whatever makes your feel confortable but It diesnt mesn what you say is right'

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 9:23 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yue Shang

    that's YOUR interpretation but other people are emtitled to THEIR OWN interpretation and you need to understand that and not judge others!

    tinybith December 28, 2020 10:24 pm

    it is 100% rape

    tinybith December 28, 2020 10:24 pm
    that's YOUR interpretation but other people are emtitled to THEIR OWN interpretation and you need to understand that and not judge others! Anonymous

    no you're just a dumbs

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 10:40 pm
    no you're just a dumbs tinybith

    im 33 years old and feel like there are children on the other side. Get back to your books these topics are not for you

    tinybith December 28, 2020 10:48 pm
    im 33 years old and feel like there are children on the other side. Get back to your books these topics are not for you Anonymous

    youre the person debating online about what rape is. The body is going to have natural reactions towards being touched, regardless of whether the person consents or not. As someone who has seen firsthand someone's rape case being dropped simpy because the victim's body had released fluids, it is not a statement you should be making. He is literally constantly saying no not to mention the psychological changes he is forcing himself to go through to make himself think that the rape is his fault. If someone says no then its no, regardless of if you think they are enjoying it

    Ranch House Owner December 28, 2020 10:53 pm
    im 33 years old and feel like there are children on the other side. Get back to your books these topics are not for you Anonymous

    Okay, but why did you bring in age for? Clearly older doesn't mean wiser. No matter how you look at this, it's rape. Spell it out for me. R. A. P. E.

    rose <3 December 28, 2020 11:00 pm

    are you serious..? you have such a rapist mindset it's - scary. that was rape. he did not want it. god, you sound like one of those people who say " they must have enjoyed it " when you find out someone has been raped. nakyum getting a boner was a natural reaction. whether you want it or not if you hit certain nerves around your private areas, you WILL get hard/wet. you said "he doesn't pull away", do you understand how mentally exhausting rape is??? he is tired. he is physically and mentally weak, he cannot pull away. and even if he might have some romantic interest in seungho, it's STILL RAPE. just like how women get raped by their husbands, or how anyone can get fucking raped by their partner. "says no but means yes" dude HOW do you know that. he looks like he genuinely wants him to stop. they don't have a safeword. you don't fucking know whether he "mEaNs yEs'' when he says no, and the fact that you assume that is disgusting. no is no unless the person themselves states otherwise. i'm not saying i dislike this story. the plot is amazing and it's written very well. but there IS rape. just because people are saying that there's rape doesn't mean they don't adore the story. they're just stating a fact. it's fucking rape.

    ~ Meow ~ December 28, 2020 11:09 pm

    A quote from a therapist working with rape victims.

    "Quite simply, our bodies respond to sex. And our bodies respond to fear. Our bodies respond. They do so uniquely and often entirely without our permission or intention. Orgasm during rape isn't an example of an expression of pleasure. It's an example of a physical response whether the mind's on board or not, like breathing, sweating, or an adrenaline rush"

    "…the induction of arousal and orgasm does not indicate that the subjects consented to the stimulation. A perpetrator's defense simply built upon the fact that evidence of genital arousal or orgasm proves consent has no intrinsic validity"

    Nuf said.

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 11:16 pm
    are you serious..? you have such a rapist mindset it's - scary. that was rape. he did not want it. god, you sound like one of those people who say " they must have enjoyed it " when you find out someone has bee... rose <3

    I will ask you again : what are you still doing here and reading manga that includes RAPE as you call it ? I enjoy it because reading it doesnt affect my life at all. But if it triggers you then just leave and read some fluffu manga and no it wasnt rape lol

    Anonymous December 28, 2020 11:18 pm
    Okay, but why did you bring in age for? Clearly older doesn't mean wiser. No matter how you look at this, it's rape. Spell it out for me. R. A. P. E. Ranch House Owner

    yes I am older and wiser for this reason I dont get triggered by fiction

    Tsunmimi December 29, 2020 12:42 am
    I will ask you again : what are you still doing here and reading manga that includes RAPE as you call it ? I enjoy it because reading it doesnt affect my life at all. But if it triggers you then just leave and ... Anonymous

    I’ve read this thread and I believe honestly no need to mince words but you’re basically the most disgusting person I’ve come across all my time here
    What kind of stupid question is this
    You enjoy reading such because it doesn’t affect your life
    I mean seriously
    Regardless whether this affects people’s life or not
    There are basic fundamentals things that makes situations right or wrong
    And what seugho or whatever his name doing to Nakyum is wrong so stop being foolish I hope you look back on this and feel ashamed and delete this comment whoever you are

    Tsunmimi December 29, 2020 12:45 am
    Right I don’t understand when they say it’s “rape” he’s literally NOT pulling away :^ Niahbooky

    As for you....I don’t even know what to say
    Just I’m disgusted by what you just agreed with
    Regardless whether it’s fiction or not
    This is rape and it’s inexcusable

    konata_luv December 29, 2020 1:16 am

    Yall really are a different tupe of delusional to think all of this isn’t fucking rape. Get your mind out the damn gutter open ur damn eyes. So uou dont see him crying and apologizing? Or telling him to stop? Oh ok. I swear yall be to comfortable on the internet just to say some fuck shit. So what if he has a boner or orgasms? Its a natural response it doesnt mean it wants it damn. Yall really need to go outside or something because this was not it.