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Need help finding this yaoi/BL manga!!!

GPara100 December 29, 2020 1:14 am

Please I've been looking for it for 5+ years

I think its roommates to lovers. There's a bunk bed in their flat (apartment) and they do their 'stuff' on the top bunk. I'm pretty sure its just mutual masturbation to begin with.

Guy 1 wears decorative booby pins/hair barrettes. Guy 2 gets jealous because some girls give him some to wear and he buys some for him. Guy1 is not overly small or effeminately drawn. I think they are both near equal size.

Where I stopped reading they went to an n amusement park for a date and ran into Guy2 ex-girlfriend. We were given the gist that the break up was bad and it was causing some tension between them.

Their older, I think around college or working age. Guy1 worked in a convenience store.

If anyone can tell me what its called I would be so grateful!!! I remember it being really well written and I really enjoyed it.
